How Combining Credentialing, Collecting, and Coding Increases Profitability

Discover ways to combine these three tasks to boost your profit potential.

Your dental practice has many moving parts, each of which is integral to profitable revenue cycle management. With the right tools, experience, and dedication, your ability to scale and retain profits can grow. Over time, the ability to consistently send a clean insurance claim, negotiate PPO rates, and understand the maze of coding necessities can make daily practice management stressful and time-consuming. Staff members are left to bear the burden of both patient management and your financial integrity. Without help, working processes can falter to the point where solutions seem few and far between. What if there was a way to combine all of these moving parts into one solution that helps to remedy some of dentistry’s most arduous tasks?

PPO Solutions and Credentialing to Bolster Patient Retention

PPOs are a lifeline for patients who are looking to get the best service from their dentist of choice, so you must be that dentist. Negotiating PPO rates to ensure profitability while also having access to a greater pool of patients helps your practice create lifelong customer relationships. Unitas PPO Solutions has created a concise and thorough process to help your practice be available and accessible to new patients.

Here are some of the tangible ways Unitas helps your practice scale PPO negotiation and the credentialing process:

In addition, to provide the best service to your patients, you must be credentialed with their providers. Not every insurance provider offers out-of-network benefits, and credentialing ensures your claims won’t be denied due to this. As well as PPO negotiation, Unitas PPO Solutions, offers credentialing services to help with this lengthy process. These services include:

  • Access to Unitas library of insurance applications
  • Follow-up service with each carrier on behalf of your office
  • A credentialing tracking worksheet
  • Website audit instructions and insurance provider relations directory

By removing the time necessary to credential, negotiate, form fill, and answer questions, your practice and colleagues can enjoy peace of mind knowing they’re able to fulfill patient insurance requests as well as provide professional treatment from the get-go.

Dental Billing that Collects More So You Can Worry Less

Your newly credentialed staff and current PPO participation means more patients in treatment chairs. When collecting their insurance reimbursement, dental billing is the driving force behind that ease of cash flow. While outsourcing dental billing has been available within the industry for years, eAssist Dental Solutions stands out as the nation’s leading provider of reimbursement and practice services. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all for dental billing. Whether your practice needs help with clean claim submission, reducing overall insurance or patient accounts receivable, or simply the ability to send claims within one business day, eAssist has your personalized solution. Plus, enjoy transparency in communication and ROI through daily, weekly, and monthly reporting.

Boost Your Coding Knowledge and Revenue

Working in tandem with eAssist’s dental billing, Practice Booster’s industry-leading CDT code and narrative resources help streamline claim reimbursement with a quick turnaround. Coding changes happen annually, and updates can be as frequent as every quarter. Without the ability to reference the latest coding mandates, your claims can be rejected or denied based on inaccuracy, further increasing reimbursement times and reducing cash flow. Increase claim accuracy by enrolling in Practice Booster’s Code Advisor to gain access to common coding questions and troubleshooting.

A Winning Formula for your Practice

Combining the financial forces of Unitas, eAssist Dental Solutions, and Practice Booster allows your practice to grant itself peace of mind in knowing that scalable profit can be achieved. The Ultimate Revenue Boosting Bundle combines all of these financial tools to give you beneficial solutions to revenue cycle management hiccups. It’s time to automate your processes and accelerate your ability to scale. Discover your profit-boosting potential by scheduling a no-obligation consultation today and wake up to a new tomorrow covering all dental finance bases.

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